revere beach

Kristin Langevin
2 min readAug 28, 2021

As individuals who crave adventure and love distance, a trip was much needed. And as people who have not been to the beach or a lake or any sort of grandiose, excruciatingly long sense of travel all summer, a vacation was warranted.

The past month and a half has been extensive. From moving, working, plans, decorating, unpacking, purchasing, cooking, insomnia, and smashing broken and old fire alarms, it felt as if there was no time to inhale, sleep, tune in, go out — for us.

And so we did, we went out, and we went out for us: we breathed, we bathed in the sun until sunspots scattered all across our backs and upper thighs with cranberry like freckles. My sunscreen was old, what can I say.

We touched tips with one of the earth’s most beautiful and serene places: the beach, a beach almost entirely empty, as it was a Tuesday. An early Tuesday morning, bright and sunny and full of love. A love blanket, a comfortable love blanket, one long and narrow and oh so soft. I planned this deliberately.

After surfing the sand and collecting mollusks, ones who have yet to leave my back seat despite being almost two weeks ago, Dan and I treaded off into the abyss, also known as Cambridge, MA.

We stopped in shops, consumed disgusting amounts of coffee, and visited a burger joint that multiple famous people have also indulged in. It was beautiful and memorable and this blanket extended itself longer than anything I have ever seen.

I was able to capture these moving moments. I’m happy and pleased to share them here.

